A Veterans Day Letter

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To our Nation’s Military:

With Trump’s opportunity to regularly insult the very troops he commands coming to an end, this Veterans Day seems to warrant an extra measure of gratitude and thanks.

Whether serving in silence or quitting in protest, you pledged your allegiance to a two-hundred-and-forty-four-year-old constitution, not a seventy-four-year-old con man. And you reminded us what the grossly politicized word, “Patriot” truly means

When the president brought out the worst in our country, you continued to embody the best. When his flagrant polluting of our democracy made it hard to remember what America stood for, you always stood at attention. And today, attention must be paid.

God bless you. Thank you for your service. And for all you have done off the battlefield in defense of America’s ideal self these last four years.

Peace & love.


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